Theoretical physicist and science communicator.
Coordinator of the Dutch Institute for Emergent Phenomena. Founder of Science & Cocktails.
I am an associate professor in theoretical physics at the University of Amsterdam and an affiliate associate professor at the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen. I am also member of the Institute for Advanced Study in Amsterdam. I work on string theory, quantum gravity, black holes, holography and hydrodynamics of soft/active matter, astrophysics, quantum matter and complex systems.
In addition I coordinate the Dutch Institute for Emergent Phenomena bringing various institutes and scientific disciplines at the University of Amsterdam and at the national level in the Netherlands into a single research effort.
In 2010 I founded, and continue to coordinate, the international science outreach platform and event series Science and Cocktails running in 4 different cities and attracting more than 1000 people per event in Copenhagen.
Conversations on Quantum Gravity
My latest book, published in Cambridge University Press in 2021, about the quest for a theory of quantum gravity.
The book consists of 37 interviews to theoretical physicists about their views on quantum gravity and other problems in high-energy physics.
The book features interviews to 4 Nobel Prize winners and 1 Fields medalist and covers approaches such as string theory, asymptotic safety, loop quantum gravity and causal dynamical triangulations.
According to Ted Jacobson, Distinguished University Professor at the University of Maryland, “Conversations on Quantum Gravity is a unique resource for students and researchers of quantum gravity, for philosophers and sociologists of science, and for future historians of physics. Jácome Armas has admirably accomplished a herculean task: 37 interviews, peppered with his provocative questions informed by a broad appreciation of the scope of the physics problems and the panoply of approaches to solving them, and copiously referenced to the relevant literature.”
Recent news
Some of my latest research papers, talks and science communication projects.